Gulch Dental Studio

Proper Dental Implant Aftercare Is Key to Successful Healing

Apr 30, 2018 @ 11:44 AM — by
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants may be the greatest dental innovation of the past 50 years. They are titanium metal cylinders surgically positioned in the jawbone to replace the roots of teeth that have been lost to dental disease or trauma. 

After the implant integrates with the bone in which it is embedded, it has greater strength than even that of the natural tooth it replaces. Thus, it becomes a solid support for a crown, bridge, or other type of replacement tooth.

Dr. Clint Newman and Dr. Scott Harris of Gulch Dental Studio routinely restore dental implants for their patients at their Nashville, TN practice. They know that proper dental implant aftercare is key to successful healing, and you might like to know more about it, as well.

Immediately after Surgery

After you leave the surgeon's office with your new implant in place, what can you expect? And what is expected of you? 

The implant surgeon and staff will give you specific instructions, but there are a few general guidelines you might want to know ahead of time.

Long-term Aftercare

The most critical period is immediately after implant placement, but the days and weeks to follow can also be important. 

Let Us Know How We Can Help You 

Patients wanting to know more about dental implant aftercare, or about any of the other services we provide here at Gulch Dental Studio, are encouraged to contact us. No matter what your needs are, we can help. Give us a call today at (615) 490-0597 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.